Switch to LPG for a plethora of benefits

Conversion to LPG in industries has never been easier!

Industrial fuel conversion for utmost profitability

Cleaner fuel for both environmental and personal benefits!

Do you own a business connected to a fuel grid? Are you tired of high fuel costs? Have you been trying to switch to a more efficient fuel?

Say no more! JMS Global Gas aids in your effort to reduce global warming by empowering you to switch to LPG today for better efficiency and lowered heating bills. Compared to other fuels, LPG emits lesser harmful chemicals, making it a much cleaner fuel. LPG is a highly reliable, safe, and multi-tasking energy source, making the conversion to LPG in the industry quite advantageous. Another benefit of choosing LPG over other off-grid heating options is its hassle-free installation process in industrial fuel conversion.

Conversion Process

How to Convert to LPG from Other Fuels

Get in touch with us for
your requirements

Call us or send us a query through the online form for a detailed discussion.

Our experts will meet
you in person

Our team of experts pay a visit to you for further assistance. Just let us know your query and we will deliver you eligible solution.

Documentation and

Read the documentation and payment terms carefully, and support our representative to begin the installation process.

We deliver the right

As per the agreement, we select the best out of our wide range of LPG installation services and supply starts once the installation is completed.

Why one should rely on JMS Global Gas India Limited

What makes us stand apart from others

One Stop Solution

From System Design to Engineering and Annual Maintenance, JMS Global Gas India Limited takes care of everything when you convert to LPG (from other fuels). Once our team of experts is familiar with your requirements, you can sit back and relax as they take care of everything.

Assured quality, every time

JMS Global Gas India Limited uses superior Straight Run grade LPG which is free from heavier hydrocarbons and other impurities. This, in turn, enhances the product output quality and lowers the maintenance of the combustion system. Your conversion to our LPG enhances your productivity manifold.

Uninterrupted supply

With access to 7 terminals and more than 20 operational filling plants, JMS Global Gas India Limited ensures a seamless supply of LPG. In addition to that is the dedicated fleet of tankers and delivery trucks with the best in-house supply-chain management systems in place.

Training and safety

SHV Energy N.V., the parent organization of JMS Global Gas India Limited, absolutely emphasizes on safety which is imbibed in its work and value system. It has an impressive legacy of an imprint of the same value system on both its customers and stakeholders.

Manifold Installations

While choosing the installation type, there are two main categories for industrial customers, namely – VOT (Vapour Off-Take) and LOT (Liquid Off-Take). There’s a third category called Super LOT (or SLOT) which, similar to the other two, is applicable with the 33KG LPG cylinder installation.

If you are a factory owner or you are into heavy manufacturing, but struggling through space shortage, 450 kg Maxima installation is the best option for you. These conventional cylinders are highly compact in size and equally efficient. Its size and high-quality filtration make it safe, as certified by European safety standards.

Bulk Installation is highly recommendable for large industries with very high consumption of LPG. The bulk storage solution comes with two variants - Above ground and Mounded. Bulk installations are available in both single and multiple LPG storage tanks, based on your requirements.