33 kg LOT cylinders

Ensuring all your industrial fuel requirements are met with our 33 kg LOT cylinders

Easily available and cost-effective

Supplying superior quality LPG to help you save more!

JMS Global Gas India Limited is one of India’s leading LPG companies specializing in supplying and distributing superior SR-grade LPG. JMS Global Gas India Limited is best known for its quality LPG with the highest degree of efficiency. Customized options like 33 kg Liquid Off-Take cylinders for industrial users with higher fuel requirements are valued for their quality, safety, and environmental standards. JMS Global Gas India Limited is your ultimate high-quality, economical, and environmentally friendly alternative to any other energy and cost-consuming fuel.


Compact 33Kg LOT cylinders by JMS Global Gas India Limited are the blend of different forms of engineering implementations that make your industrial operations flexible and efficient.

Our 33Kg LOT cylinders help optimizing manufacturing methods to increase the production volumes and reduce the cost of fuel consumption.

33Kg LOT cylinders are readily liquified under moderate pressure and designed to be easily controllable so it helps, which makes industrial operations highly safe and quick. 

With easy and simple refill, 33Kg LOT cylinders undergo stringent checks to ensure 100% superior quality LPG and accurate weight .